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Nápady, dotazy, připomínky
S47 - Survivor 47
S46 - Survivor 46
The Amazing Race S36 (U.S.)
Australian Survivor 2024: Titans vs. Rebels
Survivor (U.S.)
S01 - Borneo
S02 - The Australian Outback
S03 - Africa
S04 - Marquesas
S05 - Thailand
S06 - The Amazon
S07 - Pearl Islands
S08 - All-Stars
S09 - Vanuatu — Islands of Fire
S10 - Palau
S11 - Guatemala — The Mayan Empire
S12 - Panama — Exile Island
S13 - Cook Islands
S14 - Fiji
S15 - China
S16 - Micronesia — Fans vs. Favorites
S17 - Gabon — Earth's Last Eden
S18 - Tocantins — The Brazilian Highlands
S19 - Samoa
S20 - Heroes vs. Villains ("All-Stars II.")
S21 - Nicaragua
S22 - Redemption Island
S23 - South Pacific
S24 - One World
S25 - Philippines
S26 - Caramoan — Fans vs. Favorites II.
S27 - Blood vs. Water
S28 - Cagayan — Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty
S29 - San Juan del Sur — Blood vs. Water
S30 - Worlds Apart
S31 - Cambodia - Second Chance
S32 - Kaôh Rōng
S33 - Millennials vs. Gen X
S34 - Game Changers
S35 - Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
S36 - Ghost Island
S37 - David vs. Goliath
S38 - Edge of Extinction
S39 - Island of the Idols
S40 - Winners at War
S41 - Survivor 41
S42 - Survivor 42
S44 - Survivor 44
S43 - Survivor 43
S45 - Survivor 45
Survivor (iNT, CZ, SK)
Australian Survivor 2016
Australian Survivor 2017
Australian Survivor 2018: Champions vs. Contenders
Australian Survivor 2019: Champions vs. Contenders II
Australian Survivor 2020: All-Stars
Australian Survivor 2021: Brains vs. Brawn
Australian Survivor 2022: Blood vs. Water
Australian Survivor 2023: Heroes vs. Villains
Ostrov (SK)
Robinsonův ostrov (CZ)
Robinsonův ostrov II. (CZ)
Survivor Česko & Slovensko 2022 (CZ, SK)
Survivor Česko & Slovensko 2023 (CZ, SK)
Survivor New Zealand: S01 - Nicaragua
Survivor New Zealand: S2 - Thailand
Survivor South Africa S06: Philippines
Survivor South Africa S07: Island of Secrets
Survivor South Africa S08: Immunity Island
Survivor Česko & Slovensko 2024 (CZ, SK)
Big Brother (U.S.)
Big Brother 1 (U.S.)
Big Brother 2 (U.S.)
Big Brother 3 (U.S.)
Big Brother 4 (U.S.) / "X-Factor"
Big Brother 5 (U.S.) / "Project DNA"
Big Brother 6 (U.S.) / "Summer of Secrets"
Big Brother 7 (U.S.) / "All-Stars"
Big Brother 8 (U.S.) / "America's Player"
Big Brother 9 (U.S.) / "Til Death Do You Part"
Big Brother 10 (U.S.)
Big Brother 11 (U.S.)
Big Brother 12 (U.S.) / "The Saboteur"
Big Brother 13 (U.S.) / "The Summer of Double Trouble"
Big Brother 14 (U.S.)
Big Brother 15 (U.S.)
Big Brother 16 (U.S.)
Big Brother 17 (U.S.)
Big Brother 18 (U.S.)
Big Brother 19 (U.S.)
Celebrity Big Brother 1 (U.S.)
Big Brother (CAN)
Big Brother 1 (CAN)
Big Brother 2 (CAN)
Big Brother 3 (CAN)
Big Brother 4 (CAN)
Big Brother 5 (CAN)
Big Brother 6 (CAN)
Big Brother (AU)
Big Brother 11 (AU)
The Amazing Race (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S1 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S2 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S3 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S4 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S5 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S6 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S7 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S8 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S9 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S10 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S11 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S12 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S13 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S14 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S15 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S16 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S17 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S18 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S19 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S20 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S21 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S22 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S23 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S24 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S25 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S26 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S27 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S28 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S29 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S30 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S31 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S32 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S33 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S34 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race S35 (U.S.)
The Amazing Race (CAN)
The Amazing Race S1 (CAN)
The Amazing Race S2 (CAN)
The Amazing Race S3 (CAN)
The Amazing Race (AU)
The Amazing Race S2 (AU)
The Amazing Race S3 (AU/NZ)
The Amazing Race S1 (AU)
The Amazing Race (Asia)
The Amazing Race S1 (Asia)
The Amazing Race S2 (Asia)
The Amazing Race S3 (Asia)
The Amazing Race S4 (Asia)
Beauty and the Geek (AU, U.S., UK)
Beauty and the Geek S1 (AU)
Beauty and the Geek S2 (AU)
Beauty and the Geek S3 (AU)
Beauty and the Geek S4 (AU)
Beauty and the Geek S5 (AU)
Beauty and the Geek S6 (AU)
Beauty and the Geek S1 (U.S.)
Beauty and the Geek S2 (U.S.)
Beauty and the Geek S3 (U.S.)
Beauty and the Geek S4 (U.S.)
Beauty and the Geek S5 (U.S.)
Beauty and the Geek S1 (UK)
Face Off (U.S.)
Face Off S1
Face Off S2
Face Off S3
Face Off S4
Face Off S5
Face Off S6
Face Off S7
Face Off S8
Face Off S9
Face Off S10
Farma (SK)
Farma 1 (SK)
Farma 2 (SK)
Farma 3 (SK)
Farma 4 (SK)
Farma 5 (SK)
Utopia (U.S.)
Utopia S1 (U.S.)
Capture S1
Opposite Worlds S1
Whodunnit? S1
Rob and Amber: Against the Odds S1
Survivor (U.S.)
Big Brother (U.S., CAN)
Big Brother (AU)
The Amazing Race (U.S., CAN, AU, Asia)
Vyvolení (CZ)
Beauty and the Geek (AU, U.S., UK)
Face Off (U.S.)
Farma (SK)
Utopia (U.S.)
Robinsonův ostrov (CZ)
Volná diskuze
Ankety, seznamy, žebříčky
Survivor (iNT, CZ, SK)
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